Putting Visual Analytics into Practical Use.
With reference to bullet point 1 and 2 of Challenge 2 of VAST Challenge 2022, I will be revealing the:
To analyse the social areas of the city of Engagement, I will be using the data from the Check In journal to analyse the frequency of visit to the different Venue Type (Pub or Restaurants) and the Pubs and Restaurants Attribute data to identify the location of these venues to identify a pattern in their establishments. Subsequently, I will use the monthly status log to identify the travel pattern of the participants to identify choke points (high intensity visit) on various location throughout the month.
The following code chunks will install and load the required packages.
packages = c('sf', 'tmap', 'tidyverse',
'lubridate', 'clock',
'sftime', 'rmarkdown', "binr")
for (p in packages){
if(!require(p, character.only = T)){
library(p,character.only = T)
The read_sf
function will be used instead of read_csv
for the various data set to read simple features and retrieve their
geometry types.
pubs <- read_sf("rawdata/Pubs.csv",
options = "GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=location")
buildings <- read_sf("rawdata/Buildings.csv",
options = "GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=location")
restaurants <- read_sf("rawdata/Restaurants.csv",
options = "GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=location")
schools <- read_sf("rawdata/Schools.csv",
options = "GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=location")
apartments <- read_sf("rawdata/Apartments.csv",
options = "GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=location")
employers <- read_sf("rawdata/Employers.csv",
options = "GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=location")
check_in <- read.csv("rawdata/CheckinJournal.csv")
To bind two different data frame into one, there is a need for a
similar key and columns. For this analysis, we will use the Venue
Id as the key. The rbind
function is use to bind the
the two different data frame rows together.
pubs <- pubs %>%
select(c("pubId", "buildingId")) %>%
rename("venueId" = "pubId")
restaurants <- restaurants %>%
select(c("restaurantId", "buildingId")) %>%
rename("venueId" = "restaurantId")
pubs$venueId <- as.numeric(as.character(pubs$venueId))
restaurants$venueId <- as.numeric(as.character(restaurants$venueId))
pubs$buildingtype <- "Pubs"
restaurants$buildingtype <- "Restaurants"
buildingType <- bind_rows(pubs,restaurants)
apartments$rentalCost <- as.numeric(as.character(apartments$rentalCost))
cuts <- bins(apartments$rentalCost, target.bins = 5, max.breaks = 5)
cuts$breaks <- bins.getvals(cuts)
lowRental <- as.double(c(300:600))
midRental <- as.double(c(601:800))
highRental <- as.double(c(801:1000))
suhighRental <- as.double(c(1001:1605))
apartments <- apartments %>%
mutate (Rental_Type = case_when(
round(rentalCost) %in% lowRental ~ "Low Rental",
round(rentalCost) %in% midRental ~ "Mid Rental",
round(rentalCost) %in% highRental ~ "High Rental",
round(rentalCost) %in% suhighRental ~ "Super High Rental"
Next, we will filter the check-in data to only show pubs and
restaurants by using the filter
function. Since there is a
missing building Id for the venue types, we will use a
the insert the required building Id to the
check-in journal.
check_in <- check_in %>%
filter(venueType == "Pub" | venueType == "Restaurant")
clean_data <- full_join(check_in,buildingType, by = "venueId")
To find out the day of the week, we will use the
function wday
to insert a new
column. We will then use case_when
to run through all the
rows and identify the difference types of weekday. Visit count will be
calculated using the n()
function and filtering the
duplicated rows using the unique
clean_data_selected <- clean_data %>%
mutate (Timestamp = date_time_parse(timestamp,
zone ="",
format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) %>%
mutate (day = wday(Timestamp, label = TRUE))
weekday <- c("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri")
weekend <- c("Sat", "Sun")
clean_data_selected <- clean_data_selected %>%
mutate (Weektype = case_when(
day %in% weekday ~ "Weekday",
day %in% weekend ~ "Weekend"
)) %>%
select (-day)
new_data_weekday <- clean_data_selected %>%
select(c("venueType", "buildingId", "location","Weektype")) %>%
group_by(buildingId, Weektype) %>%
mutate(n = n())
#new_data_weekday <- unique(new_data_weekday)
For the plot, we will use different colours of polygon to identify
possible trends in the way the city was divided based on the
distribution of building types. The first plot shows the overall city
building type distribution using tm_polygons
colors to
seperate the different types.
tm_polygons(col = "buildingType",
size = 1,
title = "Building Type",
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Distribution of Building Type in Ohio',
main.title.position = c('left'),
main.title.size = 1.3, legend.outside = TRUE,)
Through the plot, we can identify the southern region is heavily commercialise while the central region of the city can be identified as a Heartlands due to the high volumn of residential area. The northern part of the city has a even distribution of residential and commerical area.
We will also look at the distribution of schools and their cost required to see if the area affect the school costs.
schools$monthlyCost <- round(as.numeric(as.character(schools$monthlyCost)),2)
tm_polygons(col = "buildingType",
size = 1,
title = "Building Type",
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1) +
tm_shape(schools) +
tm_symbols(size = 0.5, col = "monthlyCost", style = "cont", title.col = "Monthly Cost"
) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Schools Location in Ohio',
main.title.position = c('left'),
main.title.size = 1.5, legend.outside = TRUE,)
From the plot, we observed that the school located within the commercialise area in the south has a lower monthly cost compared to the other schools which is located at the region with more residential area surronding it. This could be due to the high volume of demand for the schools within that area due to its vicinity around the residential area.
Next, we will analyse the distribution of Apartment based on the rental cost to identify any possible trends in the city.
We will plot two different apartment plots, one is for the number of rooms of the apartment, the other is the max occupancy of the apartment.
tm_polygons(col = "grey",
size = 1,
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1) +
tm_shape(apartments) +
tm_symbols(size = 0.2, col = "maxOccupancy", title.col = "Max Occupancy"
) +
tm_facets(by = "Rental_Type", nrow = 2, free.coords = FALSE) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Apartment Location in Ohio \nbased on Rental Cost',
main.title.position = c('left'),
main.title.size = 1)
tm_polygons(col = "grey",
size = 1,
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1) +
tm_shape(apartments) +
tm_symbols(size = 0.2, col = "numberOfRooms", title.col = "Number of Rooms"
) +
tm_facets(by = "Rental_Type", nrow = 2, free.coords = FALSE) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Apartment Location in Ohio \nbased on Rental Cost',
main.title.position = c('left'),
main.title.size = 1)
From the two plots, we observed that the rental cost is not affected by the number of rooms of the apartment but the occupancy number of the apartment. Occupancy rate of 3 and 4 tend to have higher rental cost and concentrated within the southern and central region. Whereas the low rental apartments can be found mostly at the northern region of the city.
For the plot, we use the shape to visualise different venue types and the color to identify the density of the visit count. The first plot shows one month visit count of the various venue.
tm_polygons(col = "grey60",
size = 1,
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1) +
tm_shape(new_data) +
tm_symbols(size = 0.5, shape = "venueType", shapes.labels = c("Pub", "Restaurant"), title.shape = "Venue Type",
col = "n", style = "cont", title.col = "Visit Count"
) +
tm_layout(title= 'Visit Count of Venue by \nResidents in Ohio',
title.position = c('right', 'top'),
title.size = 1)
Next, by using tm_facet
, we are able to segregate the
data by the type of weekday. We now plot the visit based on Weekdays and
Weekends to identify any patterns.
tm_polygons(col = "grey60",
size = 1,
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1) +
tm_shape(new_data_weekday) +
tm_symbols(size = 0.5, shape = "venueType", shapes.labels = c("Pub", "Restaurant"), title.shape = "Venue Type",
col = "n", style = "cont", title.col = "Visit Count"
) +
tm_facets(by = "Weektype", nrow = 1, free.coords = FALSE) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Visit Count of Venue by Resident in Ohio',
main.title.position = c('center'),
main.title.size = 1, legend.outside.size = 0.2)
From our 1st plot, we observed that Pubs in the central region have a higher visit count than the pubs located in the outskirt of the city. Whereas the restaurants located away from the central region have a slightly higher visit count that the restaurants located within the central region. This could be due to the commercial region in the North and South of the city which would bring in more visits throughout the month. This also shows that residents would visit pubs that are located within the residential area instead of the commericalise area.
When we look at the different weekday types, we observed that in general, during the weekdays, restaurants have a higher visit count than pubs. Restaurants in the commercial areas (located in the north and south) have a slightly higher visit count that restaurants located in the central region. Whereas during the weekends, Pubs in the central region is definitely the social gathering point for the people in the city of Engagement.
Despite the even distribution of pubs and restaurants throughout the city, high social activities seems to be concentrated within the central region regardless of the weekday types.
We will combine 5 status log to gather 1 month worth of data for analysis. Similar to methods used to prepare the Pubs and Restaurant data.
For this analysis, we will evaluate the Morning and Evening Rush Hour timings on Sat and Mon to identify bottlenecks/congestion within the city. Morning Peak hour is define as 0600hrs - 0900hrs where Evening Rush Hour is defined as 1700hrs - 2000hrs.
Similar to the data cleaning of check-in journal, the additional
steps taken for the status log is to convert the data frame to
format using st_as_sf
before we combine the
dataframe with the hex dataframe.
logs_selected <- st_as_sf(logs_selected_mon_mornpeak)
logs_selected_weekday <- st_as_sf(logs_selected_mon_evenpeak)
logs_selected_weekend <- st_as_sf(logs_selected_sat_mornpeak)
logs_selected_weekend <- st_as_sf(logs_selected_sat_evenpeak)
By using the polygon data from building, the hexagon data is created.
hex <- st_make_grid(buildings,
square=FALSE) %>%
st_sf() %>%
points_in_hex_mon_morn <- st_join(logs_selected_mon_mornpeak,
hex) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
count(name='pointCount', hex_id)
points_in_hex_mon_even <- st_join(logs_selected_mon_evenpeak,
hex) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
count(name='pointCount', hex_id)
points_in_hex_sat_morn <- st_join(logs_selected_sat_mornpeak,
hex) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
count(name='pointCount', hex_id)
points_in_hex_sat_even <- st_join(logs_selected_sat_evenpeak,
hex) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
count(name='pointCount', hex_id)
hex_combined_mon_morn <- hex %>%
by = 'hex_id') %>%
replace(is.na(.), 0)
hex_combined_mon_even <- hex %>%
by = 'hex_id') %>%
replace(is.na(.), 0)
hex_combined_sat_morn <- hex %>%
by = 'hex_id') %>%
replace(is.na(.), 0)
hex_combined_sat_even <- hex %>%
by = 'hex_id') %>%
replace(is.na(.), 0)
To plot the map, we will use the tm_shape
function to
call the hexagon shape and filter
to filter all the hexagon
which has no visit count. tm_fill
is used to identify the
density of visit based on quantile. The plot will consist of the traffic
condition on a monthly basis and both weekday and weekend.
w1 <- tm_shape(buildings)+
tm_polygons(col = "buildingType",
size = 1,
title = "Building Type",
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1, legend.show = FALSE) +
tm_shape(hex_combined_mon_morn %>%
filter(pointCount > 0))+
n = 5,
title = "Visit Count",
style = "quantile", alpha = 0.8) +
tm_borders(alpha = 0.1) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Traffic Condition on Mon \nduring Morning Rush Hour',
main.title.position = c('center'),
main.title.size = 0.8)
w2 <- tm_shape(buildings) +
tm_polygons(col = "buildingType",
size = 1,
title = "Building Type",
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1, legend.show = FALSE) +
tm_shape(hex_combined_sat_morn %>%
filter(pointCount > 0),)+
n = 5,
title = "Visit Count",
style = "quantile", alpha = 0.8) +
tm_borders(alpha = 0.1) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Traffic Condition on Sat \nduring Morning Rush Hour',
main.title.position = c('center'),
main.title.size = 0.8)
tmap_arrange(w1, w2)
w1 <- tm_shape(buildings)+
tm_polygons(col = "buildingType",
size = 1,
title = "Building Type",
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1, legend.show = FALSE) +
tm_shape(hex_combined_mon_even %>%
filter(pointCount > 0))+
n = 5,
title = "Visit Count",
style = "quantile", alpha = 0.8) +
tm_borders(alpha = 0.1) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Traffic Condition on Mon \nduring Evening Rush Hour',
main.title.position = c('center'),
main.title.size = 0.7)
w2 <- tm_shape(buildings)+
tm_polygons(col = "buildingType",
size = 1,
title = "Building Type",
border.col = "black",
border.lwd = 1, legend.show = FALSE) +
tm_shape(hex_combined_sat_even %>%
filter(pointCount > 0),)+
n = 5,
title = "Visit Count",
style = "quantile", alpha = 0.8) +
tm_borders(alpha = 0.1) +
tm_layout(main.title= 'Traffic Condition on Sat \nduring Evening Rush Hour',
main.title.position = c('center'),
main.title.size = 0.7)
tmap_arrange(w1, w2)
From the plot, we can identify the congestion of the city based on the frequency of visit by the participants.
During the Morning Rush Hour, the narrow streets along the city are definitely congested regardless of the Weekday or Weekend. For Weekday, we observed that there is an increased congestion within the central region residential area compared to weekends.
For the evening Rush hour, it seems that there is no difference between Mon or Sat with a congested narrow path and high volume of traffic at the northern region.
Throughout this exercise, I was able to utilize the tmap
function and customize various inputs such as the shape and fill colour.
My own reflection is that tmap is similar to ggplot and therefore is
user-friendly for those who are proficient in the layers of ggplot.
Hexbin Maps provide a good visulisation of the density in an area
instead of a point but sometimes without an overlay would be difficult
to understand or provide good insights. Even if the plot were to overlay
with the hexbin map, the plot would be unreadable due to the size and
the structure of a hexagon.